Schiavo Library: May 2018 Newsletter
New Books:
New Titles added to the Collection:
Used Book Sale: May 24
Our next used book sale will begin on May 24th. Save the date! Lots of books – very cheap! The sale will last until June 16th. Any questions, call the library: (609) 486-6265. If you would like to help set up the sale, please call us.
Our Hours are 8:30am – 2:30pm (Tuesday – Friday).
10am – 4pm (Saturday’s).
Mahjong Lessons / Games:
Wendy is continuing with mahjong lessons on Wednesday. Call or email the library: we need your phone number and email address so that Wendy can get in touch with you in case of changes. If you’re not a member of the library, a small donation is appreciated. For Beginner’s (Learning) $4.00 and for Experienced players (Non-Members) $2.00.
Summer Program (sneak peek):
This summer some favorites – Story hour, LEGO club, and Terrapin Release Program, Makerspace Table that will be available at all times (for crafts and science experiments) and WII game system for active indoor fun (especially on those rainy days) and Movie Nights. More information in the June newsletter.
Fun - Facts:
May 17th – is WORLD BAKING DAY! What are some of your favorite baked goods?
Melissa Warren, Library Director