Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SIA Newsletter 10 29 2013 - Another Christmas Party Change; Sandy; Deauville; Tidal Levels; Bulk Trash; Boat Ramp

To All Strathmere and Whale Beach Homeowners and Visitors,

In our October 9 Newsletter, we advised you that there would be changes in this year's Community Christmas Party. Because of severe overcrowding at the Firehouse, it would move to the Deauville Inn and there would be a charge for all attendees nine and older.
But now we have another big change in Our Christmas Party!
The Citizens for Strathmere and Whale Beach organization has offered a very generous, one-time donation to keep the party free for one more year. The SIA and the Strathmere Volunteer Fire Company will still contribute what they did last year.
The party will take place on Saturday, December 14, from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. The Deauville will provide appetizers, a full dinner, and one drink ticket for wine or beer. We'll again ask attendees to bring their favorite desserts to share.
Since a free dinner at the Deauville will obviously be very popular, and we do not want to overwhelm the Deauville Dining Room, we'll put an upper limit on the number of tickets. Attendance will be limited to the following folks: Strathmere residents, homeowners, Fire Company members and SIA members.
You must apply for tickets by mail to the SIA at PO Box 57, Strathmere 08248, or email Donna at . Please provide the names of people you are requesting tickets for, your Strathmere and home addresses, and especially the name, age and shirt size of any children 12 and under.
Don't forget the address you want tickets mailed back to.
We expect tickets to run out fairly quickly, so don't wait to apply!  We do not believe there will be any tickets left to make available at the door.
Also, Santa would like to start planning and ordering the gifts for children 12 and under as soon as possible.
Sounds like a great party! Special thanks to the CFSWB and of course to the SIA and the Fire Company, also.
We look forward to seeing you on December 14!


Today, October 29, is the date the Sandy came ashore last year. Certainly not a date to celebrate, but we should take time to acknowledge the hardships and suffering many of our neighbors endured (and some are still enduring) from that storm.

To all those who chipped in to help, whether through SURF or giving of your personal time, our sincere thanks!



The storm and subsequent release by FEMA of Advisory Base Flood Elevation maps caused us all to learn about the changes in flood maps and the Biggert-Waters Act of 2012 changing the way flood insurance premiums are calculated...

Ed Tettemer passed along this New York Times article indicating folks beyond the Jersey shore are also upset...



In past off-seasons, the Deauville Inn has gone to a five-day schedule, closing on Tuesday and Wednesday.

This year, they are experimenting with a full seven-day schedule. If enough people come in on Tuesday and Wednesday, they'll stay open for seven days all winter.

If you're near Strathmere on Tuesday or Wednesday, we suggest you stop in.


We previously reported on and showed pictures of the five consecutive days (Wednesday, October 9 to Sunday, October 13) of flooding on Bayview Drive.
You might want to save this website on tidal water levels. Click on "East" (upper left) and then down the left side to the number left of "Atlantic City".
It will take you here, and you'll see a plot like the one below.
The blue line shows the "normal", or predicted height of the water off Atlantic City. The red line, or plot, shows the observed (actual) height.
The difference between them, called the residual, is plotted in green.
When we have a northeast wind, we have to watch the residual. If the water builds up and can't get back out, the residual continues to climb and the next high tide(s) can be damaging.
Here you can see that on Saturday, October 12 the afternoon tide reached six feet with a residual of just over a foot.
The residual then went almost all the way up to two feet Saturday night, during a "low" high tide, but by Sunday afternoon, the wind had changed and the residual dropped back to one foot. We still had almost a six-foot tide, and water again in Bayview, but without the wind change and drop in the residual, it would have been much worse.


Now that you know how to read these things, here's an interesting "Forecast" Ted Kingston found on 10/28/12 - a day before Sandy came ashore!

Looks like they were pretty accurate.



We'll have a quiz on all this some Wednesday evening at the Deauville!




Our next bulk pickup of trash will be Monday, November 4.



Upper Township has received a $280,000 grant from Cape May County to rehabilitate our boat ramp on Bayview Drive.

It will include the addition of a floating dock and a pier.


Remember to follow and "like" the SIA (click the "Thumbs Up" box ) on Facebook:


Upcoming Events - please add to your calendars:

SFEC Meeting (Nominations of Officers), 4:00 pm, Saturday, November 9
SFEC Last Cast Tournament, Friday to Saturday, November 29-30
SFEC Meeting (Election of Officers and Christmas Party), 4:00 pm, Saturday, December 7
Community Christmas Party at the Deauville Inn, 6:00 pm Saturday, December 14

Let us know of additions or corrections!
Again, check out Carol Baker's wonderful Strathmere History website at



The Strathmere Improvement Association was founded in 1951 as a community organization with the simple objective of making Strathmere a better place. We are proud of the organization's many accomplishments over the years.
Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions for the newsletter or for SIA in general, or if you'd like us to change your e-mail address in our records.
You can contact us by responding to this e-mail at or by mailing SIA at PO Box 57.


Thanks very much for your continuing support of the Strathmere Improvement Association!
Linda Bateman
Elaine Holsomback 
Donna Diefenderfer
Rosemarie Whelan
Ken Weaver

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