Strathmere Improvement
August 3, 2017
In this issue:
Concert Saturday night, by-laws notice, nomination of
officers, Castaway Concert,
SVFC Safety Day, and do you have an elevator in your home?

Stay around afterwards
for ice cream on the Church lawn. Don't miss
Download the August calendar on our homepage:

Please click on the link to review proposed amendments to be voted on at the August 18 meeting:
As we move forward toward gaining non-profit status, there are several governing pieces missing from our by-laws which have necessitated a few changes. (Our application must be accompanied by our by-laws.) We've uploaded a draft of the proposed amendments, with the suggested changes highlighted in yellow. When you click on the link above, you'll be able to open the by-laws and see the highlighted areas. We'll preview them at the August annual meeting.
Nominations Sought for 2018 SIA
If you or someone you know is interested in running for
office for the next calendar year, please email Nominating Chair
Marion Ingram - to add a name to the
slate. Offices are: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer
and Member-at-Large. Descriptions of duties are found in the by-laws (see link
in previous story).
Last Castaway
Lounge Concert of the Summer!
Remember Spacecamp,
with locals Brian
McNally and Brian Nash? They're back on August 12!
Check the SIA facebook
page for updates as the date draws closer.
Bring your
Little Ones to Safety Day at the Firehouse!
The SFEC is once again sponsoring safety day August 13,
2-4pm. We'll be there with goodies for the kids and the Fire Company will put
on demonstrations, talk about fire safety and other valuable
Do You Have a
Home Elevator in Strathmere?
post-Sandy height changes have brought an increase in the number of home
elevators in town. The Fire Company would like to have information from
homeowners in the event a rescue is needed. Please email Dave Townsend and let
him know about your home elevator: Strathmere Improvement Association
PO Box 57
Strathmere New Jersey 08248
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