To all Strathmere and Whale Beach Homeowners and Visitors,
We are now well into the second half of Summer 2009 - with many great Strathmere events still ahead of us!
We have another terrific weekend coming up!
We are now well into the second half of Summer 2009 - with many great Strathmere events still ahead of us!
We have another terrific weekend coming up!
The SIA meets Friday at the Firehouse at 8:00 pm, and on Saturday we have the UTBP Kayak Races on the beach at Williams, from 10:30 to 3:30 (registration begins at 9:00). Shown above is the start of one of the 2008 races, so you can see the excitement! In addition to the ocean racing, there will be instructions, demonstrations, and wave riding. Admission and equipment use for both instruction and race events are free.
Check the Beach Patrol website: http://utbp.wordpress.com/
There are also exciting events coming up at our Schiavo Library - including a presentation by the Wetlands Institute on Tuesday, August 18 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, entitled "Sea Creatures with Amazing Features" - for the whole family and sponsored by the Strathmere Fishing and Environmental Club. Check the website at http://www.strathmerelibrary.org/
There are also exciting events coming up at our Schiavo Library - including a presentation by the Wetlands Institute on Tuesday, August 18 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, entitled "Sea Creatures with Amazing Features" - for the whole family and sponsored by the Strathmere Fishing and Environmental Club. Check the website at http://www.strathmerelibrary.org/
Still to come are two huge events also sponsored by the SFEC: the "Nightmare in Strathmere" boat parade at 6:30 pm on Saturday, August 22 and the Kids' Surf Fishing Tournament Saturday morning, September 5. More on those events in subsequent newsletters. Also at strathmerefishing.org
This issue: Beach replenishment almost complete; Updated calendar; Strathmere websites;
Strathmere "stuff"; Improvement "suggestions"; and - Thanks again for your dues payments!
We suggest you add all the websites listed above and below to your "favorites"...
The Strathmere and Whale Beach beach replenishment project is almost complete. The dredge is now working its way into the inlet, and the pipes are being moved directly onto the Point, so sand will be pumped all along our beaches down to Sea Isle. Today's Press of Atlantic City carried a story of last night's Township Committee Meeting discussion regarding the stopping of the beachfill short of the bay:
Discussion with Dr. Farrell during and after the meeting established that this area could not be added to the project because it is not within the zone determined for replenishment by federal authorities. Nevertheless, Dr. Farrell is quite confident that a small beach will be established naturally by this Labor Day, and the whole area will fill in naturally within the next few years. We are all hoping he is correct.
Upcoming Events (update your calendars):
* Kids' Club at the Library, Wednesday, August 12 from 6:00 to 7:30 for grades 1 -3; "Shells, Shore and More"
* SIA Meeting 8:00 pm Friday, August 14, at the Firehouse
* Kayak Races Saturday, August 15, beginning at 10:30 on the beach at Williams.
*"Sea Creatures with Amazing Features" at Schiavo, 7:00 pm Tuesday, August 18
* "Nightmare in Strathmere" Boat Parade, 6:30 pm, Saturday, August 22.
* "Cooking with Books" contest at Schiavo, Saturday, August 29
* Last day of Flounder Season, Friday, September 4
* SFEC Kids' Surf Fishing Tournament, 9:00 - 11:00 am, Prescott St. Beach, Saturday, September 5
* Strathmere Ensemble Labor Day Concert at 7:00 pm Saturday, September 5
* Monday, September 7 (Labor Day): Trash and recycling pickup.
* SFEC Meeting 5:00 pm Saturday, September 12
* SIA Meeting 8:00 pm Friday, September 18
Some additional Strathmere websites:
Carol Baker's wonderful Strathmere History website at http://www.strathmere.net/
Strathmere Blog: http://www.strathmere.blogspot.com/
Strathmere Volunteer Fire Company: http://www.strathmerefire.com/
Strathmere live oceancam: http://www.strathmere.tv/
Strathmere Bay Tides: http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predictions.shtml?year=2009&stn=4720+Atlantic+City&secstn=Corson+Inlet,+Strathmere,+Strathmere+Bay&thh=%2b0&thm=31&tlh=%2b0&tlm=38&hh=*0.95&hl=*1.00
Stock up on the SIA's Strathmere "Stuff": Thank you so much for buying so many tee shirts, hats and visors. We have sold out of caps and visors, but we have both adult and children's tee shirts @$10 (no more adult medium or XXL). Strathmere "stuff" will be available at 212 Bayview Drive (ring the doorbell). Great for Christmas presents and family group photos!
Some requests for the "Improvement of Strathmere":
Drivers on Commonwealth: Please give people going to and from the beach a "brake"! Remember that NJ State Law gives pedestrians the right of way at both crosswalks and unmarked intersections!
Trash: Please don't put any trash with foodstuffs or other garbage out in plastic bags. Your neighbors don't mind putting away trash cans after you've gone home, but they do mind cleaning up a mess scattered by seagulls!
Boaters and Jet-ski / wave runner operators: Please remember that the Strathmere Bay is a "No Wake Zone"!
Dog owners: Please clean up after your dogs, including vacant lots and along Neptune Road.
Fishermen: Please don't leave any dead fish on the beach!
Everyone: Please try to carry off the beach more trash than you carry on!
Thanks to all!
The Strathmere Improvement Association includes all owners in Strathmere and Whale Beach and many visitors. It was founded over 50 years ago as a community organization with the simple objective of making Strathmere a better place. We are proud of the organization's many accomplishments over the years.
Thanks to all who have made their dues payments! Dues for the SIA are $10 per adult each year. The dues and the fund raisers provide for printing the trash regulations, mailing the post cards, funding the Fourth of July Parade, and our share of the Star Party and Christmas Party. We have also donated money to help pay for extra State Police protection. If you have adult children or relatives (or visitors) who visit Strathmere, please forward this message to them - perhaps they'd like to be members also.
Please send dues payments to SIA at PO Box 57, Strathmere, NJ 08248. Remember to tell us your e-mail address!
Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions for the newsletter or for SIA in general, or if you'd like us to change your e-mail address in our records. You can contact us by responding to this e-mail (sia6@comcast.net), or mailing SIA at PO Box 57.
Thanks to all for your continuing support!
Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions for the newsletter or for SIA in general, or if you'd like us to change your e-mail address in our records. You can contact us by responding to this e-mail (sia6@comcast.net), or mailing SIA at PO Box 57.
Thanks to all for your continuing support!
Butch Vandegrift Ken Weaver Donna Diefenderfer Debbie Vandegrift
President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary
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